An analog-inspired color palette for the web

Flexoki is a color scheme for prose, developed by Steph Ango, the creator of Obsidian. Ango describes the project:

Flexoki is designed for reading and writing on digital screens. It is inspired by analog inks and warm shades of paper.

I think it looks fantastic, especially in dark mode. The colors are vibrant without being super saturated, and I find their warm tones calming.

This project has been a battle between my competing desires in science and art. One part of my brain searches for reliability and precision, while another part searches for those elusive imperfections that remind us what feels real. Solving for all these problems is how I arrived at Flexoki.

I’ve been thinking recently about whether, and how, software grows patina. Software is self-replicating, the same the first time and the thousandth time it’s run. It’s the imperfections of aging that makes the world feel alive.